Less Work,
More Closings,
More Vacations

Ambivo is where all business owners turnto build a thriving business for your team. Enjoy lesswork with an All-In-One solution. More closings with ourdeal tracker and POS system. More vacations when youlet go of the manual work an use a robust automationsystem.


Booking and Lead form

Create and Manage Booking with Payments acceptance based on one or more calendars.
Efficiently schedule paid or unpaid appointments.

Capture Leads and Streamline Scheduling

Ambivo offers powerful widget forms and custom calendar booking widgets that help you capture leads and streamline scheduling. Easily embed these tools on your website or landing pages to engage visitors, collect valuable information, and provide a seamless booking experience.


Customizable Widget Forms

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Drag-and-Drop Form Builder

Create lead capture forms with our intuitive drag-and-drop builder, allowing you to customize fields and layouts without any coding.
Responsive Design
Ensure your forms look great and function perfectly on any device, providing a seamless user experience.
Custom Fields
Add custom fields to capture the specific information you need from your leads, from basic contact details to more detailed queries.

Embedded Forms

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Easy Embedding

Embed your forms on any web page or landing page with a simple code snippet, integrating seamlessly with your existing website - and also compatible withwebflow, wordpress, wix or squarespace.

Pop-Up Forms

Create pop-up forms to grab the attention of visitors and encourage them to provide their information without navigating away from the page.

Automated Lead Collection

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Real-Time Data Capture

Collect lead information in real-time, ensuring immediate access to new prospects.

CRM Integration

Automatically sync captured leads with your Ambivo CRM, enabling seamless follow-up and nurturing.

Send automated emails & SMS

Easily send automated emails and SMS when a form is filled out.

Create Task and Tags

Automatically assign task & task to manage your workflows.

Custom Calendar Booking Widgets

Flexible Scheduling

Create custom calendar booking widgets that allow visitors to schedule appointments, consultations, or demos directly from your website.
Availability Management
Set your availability and let the widget handle the rest, ensuring bookings are made only during open slots.
Automated Confirmations
Send automated confirmation emails and reminders to reduce no-shows and keep everyone informed.

Personalized Booking Experiences

Custom Booking Forms

Customize the booking form to gather the necessary information from your clients, ensuring you have all the details you need for a successful appointment.

Branded Experience

Customize the look and feel of your booking widgets to match your brand, providing a consistent and professional appearance.

Analytics & Reporting

Form Performance Tracking

Monitor form submissions, conversion rates, and other key metrics to understand the effectiveness of your lead capture efforts.

Booking Insights

Track booking patterns, peak times, and client preferences to optimize your scheduling and availability.

Benefits of Ambivo's Widget Forms & Custom Calendar Booking

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Improved Lead Generation

Capture high-quality leads with customizable forms that gather the exact information you need.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Provide a seamless and professional booking experience that aligns with your brand and meets customer expectations.

Increased Efficiency

Automate lead capture and scheduling tasks, freeing up time for your team to focus on more strategic activities.

Data-Driven Decisions

Leverage detailed analytics and reporting to refine your lead capture and booking strategies for better results.

Why Choose Ambivo's Widget Forms & Custom Calendar Booking?

Ease of Use

Our intuitive tools make it easy to create and manage forms and booking widgets, even for users with minimal technical expertise.


Tailor your forms and booking widgets to meet your specific needs and branding requirements.

Seamless Integration

Sync seamlessly with your Ambivo CRM and other tools to ensure a unified and streamlined workflow.

Dedicated Support

Our support team is available to help you set up and optimize your forms and booking widgets, ensuring you get the most out of these features.
Enhance your lead generation and scheduling capabilities with Ambivo's Widget Forms and Custom Calendar Booking. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a demo!