Less Work,
More Closings,
More Vacations

Ambivo is where all business owners turnto build a thriving business for your team. Enjoy lesswork with an All-In-One solution. More closings with ourdeal tracker and POS system. More vacations when youlet go of the manual work an use a robust automationsystem.


Amplify your Lead Flow
with Inbound Routing

Timely and accurate lead distribution is critical to maximizing sales opportunities. Our inbound routing system ensures that every lead is efficiently directed to the right agent, enhancing your team’s productivity and improving customer satisfaction.

Lead Management

Automated Lead Capture

  • Multi-Channel Integration: Capture leads from various sources such as web forms, email campaigns, social media, and more.

  • Real-Time Data Collection: Leads are automatically collected and entered into the CRM system in real-time, ensuring no opportunity is missed.


Benefits of Ambivo's
Inbound Lead Routing

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Enhanced Efficiency
Automate the distribution of leads to reduce manual effort and speed up response times.
Improved Accuracy
Ensure leads are assigned to the most appropriate agents based on predefined criteria, increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.
Balanced Workloads
Distribute leads evenly among agents to prevent overload and maintain high levels of productivity.
Better Customer Experience
Ensure timely and knowledgeable follow-ups by routing leads to the right agents, improving customer satisfaction and trust.

Lead Routing Rules

  • Criteria-Based Routing: Define routing rules based on your rules such as working hours or agent availability.

  • Round-Robin Assignment: Distribute leads evenly among agents using a round-robin system, ensuring a balanced workload and quick follow-up times.


Why Choose Ambivo for Lead Routing?

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Customizable Solutions
Tailor the lead routing rules to fit your unique business needs and objectives.
Scalable Infrastructure
Whether you’re handling a few leads or thousands, Ambivo’s lead routing system scales seamlessly with your business growth.
Comprehensive Support
Our dedicated support team is here to assist you in setting up and optimizing your lead routing processes for maximum efficiency.

Experience the benefits of streamlined lead management with Ambivo’s inbound lead routing system. Contact us today to learn more or to see a demo of our CRM in action!

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