Less Work,
More Closings,
More Vacations

Ambivo is where all business owners turnto build a thriving business for your team. Enjoy lesswork with an All-In-One solution. More closings with ourdeal tracker and POS system. More vacations when youlet go of the manual work an use a robust automationsystem.


Amplify your Business
with Ambivo App Builder

Ambivo's Custom App Builder empowers you to create bespoke applications that meet your unique business needs without requiring extensive coding knowledge. Whether you're streamlining internal processes or enhancing team collaboration, our versatile app builder offers the flexibility and functionality you need to innovate and optimize.

Custom Apps

  • Pre-Built Templates: Start quickly with a library of pre-built templates for common use cases, including project management, CRM, inventory tracking, and more.

  • Fully Customizable: Tailor templates to fit your specific needs, adjusting fields, forms, and workflows to match your processes.


Benefits of Ambivo's
Custom Apps

Create powerful apps without writing a single line of code, making app development accessible to everyone on your team.

Real-Time Collaboration
Enable real-time collaboration among team members, allowing multiple users to work on the same app simultaneously.
Analytics & Reporting
 Generate detailed reports to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights.
Create custom App forms
Allow customers to fill out your custom app form
Embed to your website
Embed your web form to your website and allow users to independently fill out information you need.

Custom Extensions

  • Extensions: Add on extensions to custom apps to create reports, send emails, leave a comment and more.

  • AI Query: The first ever Generative AI extension for custom apps, you can now analyze and receive immediate insights powered by AI


Why Choose Ambivo for Marketing?

Design and build applications tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring a perfect fit for your processes.

Ease of Use
Our intuitive interface makes it simple for anyone to create custom apps, regardless of technical expertise.
Tailor every aspect of your app to match your unique requirements, ensuring maximum utility and impact
Comprehensive Support
Our dedicated support team is available to help you get the most out of our custom app builder, from initial setup to ongoing optimization.

Transform your business operations with bespoke applications using Ambivo's Custom App Builder. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a demo!

Get Started